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A Story About Hell - Lk.16

Is hell something that you find particularly offensive? What about the doctrine of God’s love and forgiveness? Because in the Middle East, most can accept a God of judgment, but eschew a God of forgiveness and love. We in the western world, however, push for a "God of love" but eschew the opposite. Here's the thing, if no culture has the complete truth, then why should it surprise us if a transcendant God (who has all the truth) contradicts us precisely at our culture's weak points? The truth is, God is going to offend each individual culture somewhere along the way, so why should our particular cultural inclination be the determining factor of truth?

In this lesson over an admittedly controversial subject, we discover what the bible authors believed about hell, why it exists in the first place, and, bottom line, who goes there. We do this by analyzing the parable told of the rich man and Lazarus in Luke 16. Bottom-line: Everyone lives forever somewhere. Are we ready?