Our Evangelists

Our Evangelists

In the Bible, evangelists are those entrusted with the study and proclamation of the gospel – the good news that God has become King in and through Jesus Christ, the world’s risen Lord. We read about the work of evangelists in passages such as 1 Timothy 4.6-16 and 2 Timothy 4.1-5.

Thailer Jimerson is our evangelist focused on aiding the congregation to grow in faith, love, and  talents.

When his family arrived to begin working with us here at Brownsburg in May of 2015, they felt like they were finally home since he and his wife, Amber, both grew up in the Avon area and are graduates of Avon High School.

Before Brownsburg, he worked closely for three years with the Smedley Church of Christ in Salem, Indiana.  Prior to the Smedley work, he did a one-year internship under Ken Sils at the Southside Church of Christ in Crawfordsville, Indiana. After many international trips to Vietnam, Singapore, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Cambodia, Philippines, and Israel, Thailer found a passion for foreign evangelism and hopes to eventually engage in long-term work in Southeast Asia with the help of brother Bob Buchanon.

Thailer and Amber have been married since 2010, and they have four children - Isaac, Joy, Noë, and Lucy.

Mike Sullivan is our evangelist focused on aiding the congregation to grow in faith, love, and  talents.

Mike has a deep passion for God and the scriptures. He understands that being a student of Jesus means a lifetime of learning and growing, and for him, teaching and preaching simply became the natural overflow of his own learning journey. He's been married to Chelsea since 2007 and they have three children, Elijah, Evy and Mercy. He was an evangelist with the Lafayette church of Christ for 7 years and then joined us here at Brownsburg in 2020. Before full-time ministry, he studied landscape architecture at Purdue University and then worked for a design firm in Burlington Vermont for 5 years.