

Warning: Proceed at your own risk! These links will take you off the Brownsburg church of Christ website. Although we have attempted to only include links that contain sound Bible teaching, we cannot guarantee correct doctrine on web pages we do not own. Some pages may contain sound doctrine, but have links to other pages which teach falsehood. With either case, you are responsible to work out your own salvation. In other words, verify every teaching against the Word of God!

Please notify us of any sites you suspect are teaching false doctrine, as well as any dead links, by clicking the Email link on the menu bar.



Anderson church of Christ - Anderson, IN 
Zion church of Christ - Zion, IL 
Find The Church - Be sure to look up our brethren whenever and wherever you travel.



The Evangelism Update - evangelistic efforts in foreign lands, Editor: Carl McMurray



Truth Magazine: - online magazine with articles designed to teach the Word of God
Biblical Insights: - magazine of biblical articles



Florida College - Temple Terrace, FL


Online Bookstores