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Living as God's Workmanship (Part 2)

Series: God's Workmanship

Series: God's Workmanship

Title: Living as God's Workmanship (Part 2)

Key Passage: 2 Peter 1:5-11

Keywords: God's workmanship, steadfastness, perseverance, endurance, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness, brotherly affection, love

Summary: This is the second in a two-part series on living as God's workmanship. Being God's workmanship doesn't mean sitting on our backsides while God does all the working. It mean cooperating with the work of God. This lesson looks at 2 Peter 1:5-11 and the 8-step plan God lays out for us to work on while He is working on us.


****Note: This is a single sermon preached in two parts. This is the second part. The outline contains the entire sermon, the audio only contains the second part.